BUJUMBURA January 29th (ABP) – Eight people were seriously injured on Sunday January 27, 2019, at approximately 7:45 pm, following the explosion of a grenade that was thrown into a plot serving as a refreshment bar located at 9th Avenue, No. 199 of Buterere I quarter (Ntahangwa commune). The victims were evacuated to the care facility of the NGO MSF-Belgium, said the spokesman of the Ministry of Public Security, Commissioner Pierre Nkurikiye, on Monday.
The victims include the owner of that plot known as Egide Nduwayo, his child, two tenants and three of their children and a visitor.
Commissioner Nkurikiye, however, pointed out that those wounded returned to their homes after they were treated, except the owner of the bar and his child who were admitted to that care facility.
The police quickly opened investigations to identify the perpetrators of that crime so that they could be arrested and punished in accordance with the law. The police also carried out a search operation on Monday in that part of the capital. It is worth mentioning that this grenade was thrown just a few minutes after the power cut.