CIBITOKE March 2nd (ABP) – An exchange workshop on tariffs of water fees, collection and management of those fees was organized in Cibitoke on Wednesday, February 27, by the provincial office of the Environment, the Agriculture and Livestock (BPEAE) in collaboration with the Union for Cooperation and Development-Support to the Rural World (UCODE-AMR) funded by PAÏOSA, for the representatives of the Water Users Association (AUE), administrative officials and BPEAE technicians.
A rough debate took place, but finally the administrative officials, the BPEAE and the irrigation water users converged on the need for those fees for the payment to maintain the water infrastructure and the communal tax as it is mentioned in the communal law. Thus, according to the consensus of all those partners, 60% of those water fees will be directed to water infrastructure maintenance, 15% as a communal tax, 15% for operating funds of Water Users Associations and 10% will have to go to the AUE federation.
Note that the payment of water fees does not mean that irrigation water users should not participate in certain maintenance works on tertiary or secondary canals, according to BPEAE and UCODE-AMR technicians.