GITEGA January 1st (ABP) – Carriers are invited to ensure a better organization of urban transport adapted to the new political capital of Burundi fixed in Gitega, by setting up new initiatives including the urban transport of people on buses or taxi cars. This appeal was launched by the governor of Gitega, Mr. Venant Manirambona, during a meeting held on Wednesday evening with the communal administrator of Gitega, Mr. Valentin Nahimana and members of the Provincial Security Unit, for vehicle, motorcycle and bicycle carriers.
As part of a series of priority actions in preparation for the new political capital erected in Gitega, Governor Manirambona stressed the need to improve the conditions of urban transport to adapt to urban standards and to ensure road safety. He invited vehicle and motorcycle drivers to always ensure the required road standards. He cited in particular the respect of the Highway Code, the carrying of the required documents, the regularity of the technical control and the respect of the respective parkings. He also discouraged speeding and bad loading, which often causes road accidents.
Taking into account the pace of expansion of the town of Gitega, Mr. Manirambona also asked carriers to initiate urban bus and car taxis for people who would like to move from one neighborhood to another. The Provincial Officer of Public Transport Authority (OTRACO), Mr. Déogratias Nduwimana, replied that this authority has already promised a bus for Senate staff that had already requested it. He promised to convey that new idea to the higher persons in authority. However, he pointed out that at the beginning of its duties, OTRACO initiated that project, which failed due to the shortage of clients, but this time could increase following the expansion of the town.
On his part, the administrator of the Gitega commune, Mr. Valentin Nahimana, reminded motorcycle taxi drivers and cyclists that they are required to wear vests bearing identification numbers. Motorcycle taxi drivers must also wear helmets as well as their clients. Cyclists must stop traffic at 6:00 pm and motor taxi drivers at 7:00 pm, he said.
In turn, the Provincial Police Commissioner called on carriers to ensure strict compliance with the Highway Code otherwise they will face the penalties provided by law.
To cope with the shortcomings observed among some drivers, the Communal Commissariat is preparing to organize a training of volunteers on the Highway Code. That training will be marked by the passing of the tests for granting the driving licenses.