GITEGA February 21st (ABP) – People of Gitega province (center of the country) are worried about the delay in start of the one-stop shopping activities in Gitega for almost a quarter.
Contacted by the ABP about the complaint, the Director of that one-stop shopping, Mr. Ferdinand Misigaro, said that the connection of the office services to the internet is the main cause of that delay, adding that the problem will have to be solved concomitantly with the installation of the interconnection between the one-stop shopping services and the central office of Bujumbura.
Mr. Misigaro said that apart from that challenge related to the internet, the rest is complete to make the service work. “The offices are sufficiently equipped, and qualified staff is already on site.” Speaking about the services that the one-stop shopping will provide to the clientele, Mr. Misigaro said that the latter emanates from the national policy of decentralization. He said the Gitega office will serve the center-eastern provinces of the country.
The office is equipped with six services, including Interpol, which will issue the loss and theft documents, the judicial identification service responsible for issuing criminal record certificates, the traffic special police service and the road safety special police service, as well as the migration service responsible for issuing passports, scruffiness and cards for traveling in the countries of the Economic Community of Great Lakes Countries (CEPGL).