KAYANZA May 11th (ABP) – Some 220 people in Kayanza province (north) have suffered different kinds of gender-based violence (GBV) and the most common are socio-economic and psychological violence. In an interview with the coordinator of the family and community development center (CDFC) in Kayanza, she said the cases of GBV are decrescendo following the good collaboration that is established between this center in charge of community development, the administration and the justice.
According to data collected from the CDFC Kayanza, 220 people, including 192 women and 28 men, were victims of gender-based violence during the third quarter of 2018-2019. Among the most frequently reported cases of violence were socio-economic violence, in which 109 cases, including 98 women and 11 men, were reported in that province. Other most common cases of gender-based violence are psychological violence where 70 victims, including 58 women and 12 men, were registered.
The coordinator of the family and community development center in Kayanza, Ms. Florence Ndikumana, estimates that the number of victims of this kind of violence has been significantly reduced because, she says, in the first half of the same year, 594 cases of GBV were identified while those enumerated during the 3rd quarter of this year are evaluated at 220.
However, she explains that the reduction in GBV results from the good collaboration between her and the administration and the justice because, she says, the administration has contributed much more in raising awareness while the judicial bodies have severely punished perpetrators of gender-based violence. Ms. Ndikumana adds that reducing GBV cases also results from the popularization of the law on prevention, protection of victims and repression of gender-based violence.
In addition, the CFDC coordinator in Kayanza testified that grassroots administrative officials cut short the complacency behavior with GBV perpetrators that facilitated the settlement of the case out of court, and this resulted in denouncing and bringing perpetrators of gender-based violence to justice.
Of the 220 victims of GBV surveyed during the third quarter of the current year, 180 of them benefited from different kinds of assistance, including economic, legal and psychological assistance.