BUJUMBURA January 25th (ABP) – The Regideso organized on Tuesday January 23, 2018 in Bujumbura (western Burundi) an awareness-raising workshop on the supply and management of the electrical energy for big consumers (often industrial ones) to exchange on their commercial relations regarding the supply of the electrical energy.
Regideso Director General (DG) Jéroboam Nzikobanyanka said that the company experienced a difficult period which was characterized by an energy giving deficit following the electrical energy demand that largely passed over the supply from its existing hydroelectric and thermic plants.
In addition, the climate change problem that Burundi and the sub-region have encountered, led to a low production from its plants, he said, adding that the deficit in the pluviometry has undoubtedly affected the main sources of energy supply.
According to Mr. Nzikobanyanka, industrial consumers claimed to the Ministry they belong to that Regideso does not provide them electricity as they daily need it. To that fact, the government of Burundi supported the Regideso in the production of additional electrical energy supplied by the thermal power station with a capacity of 30 MW operated by a private partner which is the Interpetrol company. The government thus authorized the Regideso to adjust its electricity tariffs in order to honor its commitments to Interpetrol.
Almost all Regideso customers are currently supplied to their satisfaction, said the Regideso Director General, stating that the report is bitter for industrial consumers because they fail to consume the energy they have requested.
In their reply, those manufacturers said that the failure to consume the totality of the energy they request in order to work 24 hours per day is due to the fact that they do not have a few customers to consume their products.
Despite that, the Regideso will continue to supply a rational electricity, said its DG, who calls on customers to monthly pay the bills. In an overbilling situation, the customers are invited to approach the Regideso staff of the comercial directorate to correct the mistakes.
Customers who would find their bill high and that they are unable to immediately and totally pay, are called on to approach Regideso services so that the payment modalities of the bill be found.