BUJUMBURA August 5th (ABP) – The outgoing administrator of the urban commune of Muha, Mr. Pasteur Kabura Daniel presented last Saturday the results of the achievements of the last four years. It was during the celebration ceremonies of the communal party commemorated on August 1, 2020.
Believing that peace is the pillar of everything, Mr. Kabura congratulated himself on having contributed to bringing back the peace and security that had been disrupted in 2015, an action that was possible thanks to the quadrilogy (people, administration, law enforcement, judicial bodies). He said that the calmness reigns throughout Muha commune today and that the inhabitants eat and sleep peacefully.
In terms of infrastructures, the commune has finalized the construction of ECOFO (Basic School) Mukungugu and the premises housing the commune.
Among the work in progress, Mr. Kabura cited the construction of a slaughterhouse with funds granted by the government, the paving of 7th avenue in the Kanyosha zone and certain avenues of Kinanira in the Musaga zone, the continuation of the construction of Kanyosha II Basic School with assistance offered by the Presidency of the Republic and the Bujumbura City Council. A two-tier trades school is also under construction in the Gisyo district of the Kanyosha zone.
The commune also bought desks for Mukungugu Basic School (376 benches) and other schools that were in need, including Kanyosha II Basic School (263 benches) as well as communal office equipment (computers, furniture and a generator).
In the sector of health, the administration of Kanyosha commune supplied electricity to the health center in Busoro. Kabura further said that the same administration has been working with education officials to improve quality.
In order for residents of different neighborhoods to engage in development activities and earn income, cooperatives have received funding. The commune is also interested in the health of the municipality and listening to the complaints of the people.
The commune is also in the process of rehabilitating certain avenues in the Musama, Kajiji and Busoro districts in the Kanyosha zone. The development of plots for housing is also underway at Nkenga-Busoro, Nyabugete phase 5, Gisyo and Kizingwe-Bihara.