BUJUMBURA January 28th (ABP) – Burundian Minister of Finance, Budget and Economic Development Cooperation Domitien Ndihokubwayo and UN Resident Coordinator of the United Nations System in Burundi Garry Conille proceeded in Bujumbura on Friday with the signing and official launch of the United Nations Development Assistance Framework for Burundi, UNDAF 2019-2023.
UNDAF 2019-2023 has been budgeted at $ 784.4 million of which only US $ 359.7 million are available, or 46% of the total budget. A resource mobilization strategy will be put in place by the UNS and the Burundian government to obtain US $ 424.7 million (54%) of the total UNDAF budget to achieve the goals set by 2023, a check on the site by ABP has revealed.
Minister Ndihokubwayo thanked the resident coordinator and the family of the United Nations system for their unconditional and ongoing support for Burundi’s sustained development efforts. He stressed that Burundi is ready to adopt effective, innovative and efficient ways of working with the United Nations, the private sector, civil society and its other partners to implement this development program that has a positive impact on life of Burundians, especially the most vulnerable. He called on our technical and financial partners to support that development project.
According to Mr. Conille, the six areas of intervention by the United Nations in Burundi over the next five years are based on the main lines of the National Development Plan 2018-2027 which itself is rooted in the 2030 agenda and the SDGs. Interventions are person-centered and focus on the resilience of the most vulnerable. They focus on equitable and quality education with special emphasis on the basic level, universal health coverage, the fight against HIV / AIDS and malnutrition, water, sanitation and hygiene services.
Actions are also planned for the empowerment and social protection of women, youth and vulnerable groups, the resilience of communities with the support of national and decentralized institutions for the management and prevention of crises and disaster risks, sustainable management of natural resources, mitigation and adaptation to climate change and the protection of ecosystems.
Other actions focus on food and nutrition security with increasing agricultural production and environmental protection. The field of peace, justice, governance and human rights, including gender equality, will not be forgotten.
The process of drawing up the UNDAF has been largely participatory and inclusive. The different categories of the Burundian citizens in all the provinces of the country, including women, young people and the most vulnerable, such as Batwa, albinos, people with disabilities have had the opportunity to express their needs to get out of poverty .