BUJUMBURA October 31st (ABP) – The Second Deputy President of the Republic of Burundi, Mr. Joseph Butore, received on Tuesday October 30, 2018, the African Development Bank (ADB) Country Representative for the Office of Burundi, Mr. Ndoye Daniel, a check by ABP revealed.
Ndoye also said it was an opportunity for him to discuss cooperation between Burundi and ADB, a good-quality cooperation. He also said he had just presented him an ongoing project that is close to a $ 4 million portfolio to fund important achievements in the road, energy, agricultural and social sectors, he said. According to Mr. Ndoye, the ADB intends to strengthen this cooperation, particularly in the context of the implementation of the national development plan. The ADB has made a commitment to work with the Burundi government and to identify the main axes of support for the national development plan. He further noted that from next week, the ADB will discuss with the government and all stakeholders how to strengthen bilateral cooperation and identify ways for effective support for development.At the end of the reception, Mr. Ndoye told the reporters that it was a courtesy visit to introduce himself because he took office just recently. He added that he also reiterated to the second deputy president the commitment of the ADB to be a privileged partner of Burundi and to support the country in the development works.
As for the 2nd deputy President, he thanked the ADB on behalf of the Government, stating that Burundi has already drawn up a 10-year National Development Plan document, that is, by 2027. He asked the ADB to support the projects included in the document. He promised that Burundi will spare no effort to facilitate its work.