KAYANZA Jan 31st (ABP) – The governor of Kayanza province (northern Burundi), Mr. Anicet Ndayizeye, with the heads of provincial services, mainly the provincial prosecutor, the provincial director of education, the provincial police commissioner, the president of the high court and others proceeded on Tuesday January 29, 2018 with the presentation of the new communal administrator of Muhanga, after beyond a two-month period of vacancy of office, due to former administrator Raymond Sindabizera was dismissed from office on October 18, 2018 accused of mismanagement of the communal treasury. On that occasion, the people of Muhanga were appealed to cut short with their own justice, a check by ABP revealed.
During the ceremonies, the governor of Kayanza, who had represented the Interior Minister, recalled that new administrator Lambert Nduwimana was chosen by the communal council on October 31, 2018 and appointed by presidential decree on January 4th. To that end, he cited the major projects he is called upon to implement. These include mainly complying with the recently drawn up communal community development plan, collaboration with other communal administrators of Kayanza province, strengthening the quadrilogy (people-administration-defense and security forces and justice) and joint human security committees, working with the predecessors to know well what led to their dismissal, as since 2005, no administrator of Muhanga has been able to complete his five-year term.
As this commune of 30 villages and three zones is one where the people’s justice is a reality, Governor Ndayizeye took the opportunity to call on the new administrator to try to remedy the situation, because the malicious people hide behind witchcraft to hurt others, especially by destroying their crops. The other mission given to Mr. Nduwimana is to jealously control foreign NGOs and religious denominations. According to the governor of Kayanza, some of them may pretend to support the government while they participate in the acts of disruption of security which is today a reality in Kayanza.
The people of Muhanga have been invited to respect their new administrator and to listen scrupulously to his advice, which, for Mr. Ndayizeye, will lead to the increase of the communal treasury. On his part, new Administrator Lambert Nduwimana said that the commune entrusted to him faces the lack of personnel, which, according to him, is at the origin of low performance. He also said that the commune is struggling in terms of the economy, which has resulted in the non-payment of salaries allocated to the communal staff, hence he promised to take the matter into account.