BUJUMBURA June 4th (ABP) – The National Council for National Unity and Reconciliation (CNUNR) released on Friday June 1, 2018 in Bujumbura a statement on the constitutional referendum of May 17, 2018, where it congratulates the Burundian people for exercising their sovereign right to resort to a referendum on the amendment of the constitution of 2005, in peace and security on the whole territory, and in complete freedom for the voters.
Mr. Guillaume Ruzoviyo, CNUNR chairman, urged the government to calmly pursue its path in the quest for a lasting peace for Burundi, taking into account the wishes expressed by the Burundian people.
On the other hand, the latter enshrines all the quotas recognized in the Arusha Agreement for peace and reconciliation in Burundi signed in Arusha in 2000, the statement said.The same council recommends to the international community to accompany with responsibility the peace process in Burundi and especially to avoid awakening the devilish approaches of the ethnicity that has harmed the Burundian people. As such, the statement goes on, the CNUNR strongly condemns the statement of the French Foreign Minister where he says that the Tutsi minority is under threat in the new constitution adopted on May 31, 2018.
The CNUNR, through the same statement, reports that mechanisms for reconciliation and conflict resolution have recently been established, such as the CNUNR and the National Observatory for the Prevention and Eradication of Genocide, War Crimes and other crimes against humanity to positively contribute to building a country where life is good for all.
It calls on all Burundians to remain united, in their differences, especially the supporters of the “yes” and the supporters of the “no”, to respect the law and privilege in all circumstances the national interest because, it adds, the new constitution now belongs to all Burundians.