CIBITOKE / BUBANZA February 28th (ABP) – The Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) organized in Bubanza and Cibitoke (north-west) on Tuesday and Wednesday, information meetings on their missions. The meetings were held in favor of administrative officials, responsible officers of defense and security corps, political party leaders, heads of services and representatives of religious denominations.
In Cibitoke, after the opening ceremonies, participants were informed on Wednesday on the law governing the TRC, the management of wounded memories and reconciliation experience outside the TRC. In the presentations and exchanges, three commissioners represented the TRC, namely Reverend Elie Nahimana, Laurent Kavakure and Léonce Ngabo. In the first presentation, Mr. Ngabo pointed out that Burundians have chosen to work and walk together in the unity, reason why they will prove to the Westerners that they have achieved their independence in maturity.
In Bubanza province on Tuesday, the inhabitants were called on to support and appropriate the TRC missions by getting ready to tell the truth about the painful past that has shaken Burundi. Following the explanation of the TRC missions by commissioners Reverend Pastor Elie Nahimana and Léonce Ngabo, some participants requested the multiplication of the explanation sessions of those missions, especially in favor of leaders, so that they have a solid base in the matter. They also called on Burundians to redouble their vigilance because, they say, ill-intentioned politicians have always manipulated the ethnic angle to achieve their goals. Participants at the meeting also suggested that the members of that commission should think about a common day and a unique monument in memory of all the victims of the crises that Burundi endured as well as the rewriting of the history of Burundi. Others have asked for the erection of monuments in places where there are mass graves in Bubanza province, such as Kivyuka, Buvyuko, around Bubanza Central Prison and others. Others have shown constraints to the TRC’s mission, giving the example of those who refuse to tell the truth and cases concerning those crises still in the courts and those that are already closed.
Commissioners Nahimana and Ngabo promised that all Burundian concerns will be included in their report for analysis at the TRC. They call on local residents and all Burundians to support the TRC for flawless reconciliation and peace, but also for reaching the “never again” objective.