BUJUMBURA November 30th (ABP) – “The English language is a communication tool which could contribute in some way to the reduction of unemployment which threatens Burundian youth”.
Those are the words of Mr. Richard Nkengurutse, in charge of training at Kit-Hub Burundi, who spoke at the end of a debate organized around what people think of the importance of the English language in Burundi “What do you think about the importance of English Language in Burundi”. The purpose of that debate was to provide contributions aimed at improving that language.
Mr. Nkengurutse said that Kit-hub organized that debate after noticing that most Burundians, especially young people, show little interest in the English. A situation that arises as Burundi continues to integrate certain communities that use English as a communication tool. He brought up the case of the East African Community (EAC), further informing that Burundi will soon join SADEC.
He believes that it will be difficult for Burundi to take advantage of that integration until there is a strong awareness of the importance of learning English.
Mr. Nkengurutse noted that Kit-HUB is working to sensitize as many young people as possible to learn English, noting that the big task lies with the government. “We have invited young people gathered in different English clubs to reflect on how to contribute in terms of awareness but also and above all to encourage the government to get active,” he said.
English is a great opportunity, Mr. Nkengurutse said, which can make a remarkable contribution to the national economy. “In Burundi, we are currently at the stage of sensitizing the youth to become very involved in entrepreneurship and English is a communication tool that could serve as a cornerstone during that entrepreneurial journey.
The various articles (products) imported bear labels written in English,” he indicated, stressing that when you take a plane, as soon as you leave Bujumbura airport, French gives way to English.
For Mr. Nkengurutse, the fact that most of the English-speaking interlocutors are in the city of Bujumbura still remains a major challenge. The solution to this challenge lies with the state in the first place.