GITEGA May 30th (ABP) – The CNDD-FDD party opened on Thursday at Gitega airdrome , the Burundi’s political capital, an ecumenical prayer of thanksgiving to Almighty God for the party’s victory in the presidential, legislative and presidential elections of May 20, 2020 and for the smooth running of that triple ballot.
The opening ceremonies of that three-day prayer were enhanced by the President of the Republic of Burundi, Mr. Pierre Nkurunziza and visionary guide of the CNDD-FDD party with the secretary general of this party, winner of the elections of May 20, Major General Evariste Ndayishimiye. There were also the presence of other dignitaries of the country and a crowd of activists from different provinces of the country.
In his speech, the secretary general of the CNDD-FDD party, Major General Evariste Ndayishimiye said that this interfaith prayer is an eloquent sign of thanksgiving to Almighty God for having answered the prayers of the Bagumyabanga for peaceful elections and the victory of the elected representatives of the triple ballot of this party. He meant that during this crusade, they will pray not only for the Bagumyabanga of the CNDD-FDD but also for all Burundians. He thus invited Christians to strengthen their faith, their hope and the love which are the foundations of good works.

The President of the Republic of Burundi who and also the visionary guide of the CNDD-FDD party, said that the choice of that place of prayer was not by chance. He explained that it is a sacred place where God has answered repeatedly through the prayers held there. He recalled that the last interfaith crusade organized at that place in the Yoba district dates from January of this year when prayers were focused on thanking God for the various benefits rendered to Burundians during his functions at the Head of the State. They also prayed for the blessing of the 2020 elections and for the country’s future leaders. It is also a sacred place as it stands in front of the Temple of God under construction. He also stressed that the prayer on that last Thursday in May is special in that it is held when the Burundians have just elected new leaders from Burundi.
The President of the Republic has said that prayer is a powerful weapon that no one can thwart. He thus invited the future leaders of the country to always grant primacy to God as stipulated in the Constitution of the Republic. Thus, they will do their works with wisdom, intelligence and skill under the clairvoyance of God. Their blessings and graces will also fill Burundians. He then invited the Bagumyabanga and the entire population to pray daily for the country’s leaders so that they can enjoy peace and prosperity.
It is also through the power of prayer that Burundians organized the 2020 elections on their own without resorting to foreign aid. He also gave thanks to God who protected Burundi against the spread of the coronavirus epidemic, which allows Burundians to go about their daily activities and hold assemblies.
The Head of State also invited the newly elected leaders, the Bagumyabanga and the Burundians, to continue the prayer to pave the way for the nomination of elected officials for the current electoral process and for the blessing of their plans for societies.