BUJUMBURA June 28th (ABP) – 1st Deputy President of the Republic Gaston Sindimwo launched on Tuesday June 26, 2018, at Martha Hotel, the work of a conference on the development of leadership organized by the association “African Ministry of Compassion (MAC), a check on the site by ABP has revealed.
According to Ms. Penta Hayimana, national MAC coordinator, the conference falls within the framework of the missions of their Ministry for a whole decade around the theme: “Strengthening unity in diversity”. She recalled that MAC is a Christian association working with local and international partners. For that purpose, the 1st Deputy President of the Republic welcomed MAC’s involvement in restoring the unity of Burundians in their diversity. “We appreciated your courage to go to the people in difficulty,” he said, while calling on Burundians to develop leadership in their respective fields. “Since no one can have all the skills needed to ensure their integral development, the spirit of leadership calls for the ability to mobilize the various specialties required to lead their family, community or country towards the fulfilling of vision, said Mr. Sindimwo.
The conference was part of a series of activities organized in collaboration with Foursquare Church and the United States-based Lead Missions International organization. A delegation of this American NGO has come to build the capacity of Burundians from various horizons in the field of leadership, Hayimana said, adding that the MAC intends to work with them in the coming days on the themes of leadership in unity and diversity. She announced a series of activities that will be carried out, including conferences, crusades, assistance to the vulnerable, workshops and seminars with partner churches.
The MAC coordinator appreciates the good collaboration of the Burundian authorities. “We cannot work without our authorities, we are working in Burundi because we have been approved by the administration, and we must support them in their efforts towards the sustainable development of our country,” she said.
On his part, Assistant Professor at the University of Michigan, Madison Ngafeeson, specified that any situation in which the man lives is proportional to his degree of leadership. “If his leadership increases, his life will be better, while if the degree of leadership is at a very low level, living conditions become poor.” If a person, a family or a community wants to develop, he continued, they must show leadership. He calls on the Burundian citizens in general and the youth in particular to appropriate their destiny. It is, according to him, the best time for the Burundians to take things in hand and refuse to be perpetual victims of acts done in the past by their parents.
“Take your responsibilities, so you can be that engineer, doctor or economist that the country needs, that’s my message and my prayer for Burundian youth,” he said.
Mr. Ngafeeson believes that Burundian youth is on the right track. He said he has met a group of young people who are teaching other young people, youth organized in associations, who have developed micro-credit initiatives and give them to community members. He found young people who are developing skills in the field of new technologies perceived as the foundation of the future.