BUJUMBURA June 4th (ABP) – The spokesperson of the Ministry of Education, Technical and Vocational Training, held a press briefing in Bujumbura on Saturday June 2, 2018, during which he spoke about the behavior to be adopted by students preparing for the National Certification Test and the State Examination.
Indeed, Edouard Juma points out that in the past, the said Ministry made unfortunate findings; some students adopt a behavior contrary to the prescriptions of the school regulations during the passing of those examinations. Thus, the Ministry draws the attention of school officials in the provinces, communes and schools, and more particularly that of supervisors on this issue and asks them to ensure strict compliance with the school rules and to crack down on any failure.
Mr. Edouard further recalled that under the terms of articles 8, 11 and 12 of the school regulations, the students who come to pass the test must be punctual and disciplined, wear obligatorily the uniform, make a simple and natural toilet and avoid, at all costs, indecency and extravagance in clothing. Explanations are also offered that all forms of cheating are prohibited, he continued. It is also recommended that parents should pay attention to the care of their children to avoid incurring consequences for their future.