BUJUMBURA February 28th (ABP) – The National Assembly elected on February 26, 2019 five new commissioners of the National Independent Commission on Human Rights (CNIDH), replacing those who have their term completed.
National Assembly Speaker Pascal Nyabenda recalled that the CNIDH is composed of seven members, including at least three women. The team must also include four Hutu and three Tutsi. He said that two commissioners have already been elected, including a woman and a man, and thus, it was question of choosing three Hutu and two Tutsi, including two women.
According to the regulation, he said, the CNIDH must be composed of a member from non-governmental organizations, a member from the women’s rights associations, a member from associations of children’s rights, a member from university faculty, a qualified human rights member, and two members from religious denominations. He said that an ad hoc commission had been set up in the National Assembly to select candidates.
MP Claude Nahayo, who headed the ad hoc commission, pointed out that 54 candidates applied during the call for applications. But after the analysis of the files, there remained 35 candidates who fulfilled the eligibility criteria. After the rating, only 24 candidates who obtained 60% were selected. He informed that morality investigations have been done in their home environments. After an interview, 15 candidates remained and were presented in plenary session to the National Assembly to choose among them five commissioners.
Each candidate had time to speak about their current activity and what they will bring as an added value to the CNIDH, once elected.
At the end of the elections, Professor Sixte Vigny Nimuraba was elected Chairman of the CNIDH, and Consolate Habimana, from the group of religious denominations, as Deputy Chairperson, while Anatole Bacanamwo was elected Secretary. The other two members are Jacques Nshimirimana from youth associations and Janvière Hatungimana from religious denominations.
This new team will wait for their appointment by the Head of State before taking up their duties.