BUJUMBURA November 19th (ABP) – The Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies of Burundi (ISTEEBU) organized at the Royal Palace Hotel on Friday November 16, 2018, a workshop for presenting the results of the national structural survey on industrial, commercial enterprises and other formal sector enterprises in Burundi, 2017 edition.
He indicated that the exchange meeting on the results of that structured survey is organized with a view to strengthening and maintaining a frank and permanent dialogue with its suppliers of statistical data on their quality.The ISTEEBU General Director, Mr. Nicolas Ndayishimiye, recalled that in the context of the implementation of the 2nd National Strategy for the Development of Statistics of Burundi (SNDSB-II) of 2016-2020 and the preparation of the migration from the 1993 System of National Accounts (SNA) to the 2008 SNA, the ISTEEBU, with funding from the World Bank and through the Institutional Capacity Building for Government Effectiveness Project (PRCIEG), conducted, from September to November 2017, a national survey on the companies listed above.
In terms of job creation, construction accounts for 57.5% of jobs, 15.77% in the manufacturing industry and 9.9% in the trade sector.The head of business studies and statistics at ISTEEBU Mr. Alain Ndikumana who participated in the survey reported that more than 80% of companies in the modern sector are in the branches of business, including trade with 58. 1%, construction 16.89% and other services (telecoms, hotels and others).
He explained that despite the fact that the trade sector has 57% of companies operating in Burundi, it is far from job creation because the survey conducted showed that 68% of their staff is temporal.
In terms of turnover, 30.4% comes from trade, 27.3% from industry and manufacturing, and 25.4% from construction.
Regarding the state of investment, that statistician of companies underlined that 264.4 billion Burundian francs were invested in the form of tangible property in 2016, of which 228.5 billion in the form of purchase of fixed assets, i.e. 86. 5%.
In the field of fuel consumption, whether solid, liquid or gaseous, 364.5 billion are used as fuel consumption expenditure.
Electricity consumption in the industrial sector was 459.3 million Kwh in 2016, or 37.5 billion Burundian francs.
The consumption of water in this sector was 4.5 billion cubic meters (m3) of water that was used in 2016, or 75.5 billion Burundian francs.
The goods and raw materials consumed in the industrial sector are valued at 1,074.1 billion BIF.