BUJUMBURA November 14th (ABP) – The Ministry of Public Health and the Fight against AIDS (MSPLS), through the National Integrated Program for Chronic Non-Communicable Disease Control, held in Bujumbura on Tuesday November 13, 2018, a free and voluntary diabetes and high blood pressure test for the people of Buyenzi, to join other countries around the world in celebrating World Diabetes Day.
That test was organized with the aim of joining the world in celebration of World Diabetes Day, celebrated on November 14 of each year
Most people in Buyenzi work without spending a lot of energy and develop a sedentary lifestyle, which is one of the factors that can lead to the development of diabetes in the people, said Nzokirantevye, adding that positively tested individuals will be referred to physicians who will continue to follow them.In his occasional speech, the MSPLS Permanent Secretary, Mr. Jean-Baptiste Nzorironkankuze, indicated that the Ministry preferred to organize this activity in the Buyenzi zone because it is one of the zones of the Bujumbura City Council that is home to people with average incomes and who lives mainly from small trade.
As for the pharmacist general manager of the Alchem drug sale company, Mr. Roland Rasquinha, he said that his company gave the MSPLS, for that occasion, all the diagnostic equipment and a sum of four million Burundian francs.
As a 33-year-old diabetic patient, Rasquinha said people need to be taught how to avoid this disease. For him, you have to eat little, eat foods that do not contain carbon and foods without oil, and do a lot of physical activity.
The patients that the check by ABP approached expressed their feeling of joy because, they said, this voluntary and free test is an opportunity that will allow them to know if they have or do not have diabetes in order to know how to stand from the results of the test.
Note that in Burundi this day has to be celebrated today the 14th under the theme: “The family and diabetes”.