MUYINGA February 24th (ABP) – The Burundi Association for the Defense of Patients’ Rights (ABDDM) donated on Wednesday to more than 75 vulnerable patients hospitalized in Muyinga hospital (north-east of Burundi) 2 kilograms of rice and 2 washing soaps each, a check on the site by ABP has revealed.
That gesture of magnanimity by the ABDDM was funded by the Belgian non-governmental organization MEMISA, which had financially supported that local association that advocates for the rights of the sick, a theme a little “new” in the landscape of the Burundian associations that advocate for human rights.
The help showed in a way the compassion that the ABDDM has towards the sick. On the occasion that association put an end to two days of information with the financial support of the NGO MEMISA -Belgium of its members and other partners (health mutuals) from the communes of the Karusi and Muyinga provinces on the rights of the sick. Realizing that the concept of patients’ rights was not known in Burundi, the ABDDM undertook to popularize it so that the rights of patients are known to all. It also proposes in the near future to advocate for the bill related to patients’ rights to be promulgated.