BUJUMBURA June 13th (ABP) – The issue of internal financing of the education sector is on the menu of two days of reflection organized since Tuesday June 12, 2018, in Bujumbura, for leaders of Burundian civil society organizations engaged in the promotion of Education for All, a check by ABP revealed.
Burundi has long relied on donors and loans to finance its development, he said, indicating however that we realize today that the traditional partnership no longer generates stable resources, while international solidarity continues to crumble. The Action Aid official also noted that the funding pledges made by technical and financial partners, including those made to the Global Partnership for Education, will not be able to meet the growing funding needs to implement the objectives of education.This activity, organized by the coalition for Education for All “Bafashebige” (help them study), in partnership with the African Network for Education for All (ANCEFA) and Action Aid, aims to explore new mechanisms for growth and sustainability of domestic financing for education, says Adelin Ntanonga, Director of Programs and Policies at Action Aid.
Burundian civil society leaders have also realized that increasing national resources and their long-term stability to finance education is a challenge that requires contributions from all development actors. These two days of reflection are part of this logic of mobilizing all key actors to commit themselves to contribute more to the achievement of the objectives of quality education for all children.
Participants in these retreats believe that there is a need not only to increase funding for education, but also to use the scarce resources more effectively and to promote greater accountability in the use of public resources for education. This situation, they say, calls for the need to identify sources of additional or new means of increasing public education budgets, through increased budget capacity, as well as advocating for high public assistance to development.