BUJUMBURA May 11th (ABP) – The head of the project “Strategic Partnership for Lobbying and Advocacy to Address Community Concerns” within the Burundi Repatriated Women Association (AFRABU), Ms. Marie Concessa Barubike, called on Tuesday May 8, 2018, actors working on the theme of taking into account the concerns of communities and its allies in advocating to appropriate Resolution 2250 on youth, peace and security as they did for the R1325 on women, peace and security.

This new resolution, adopted by the United Nations Security Council on December 9, 2015, aims to include young people in peace and security processes.

For Ms. Barubike of AFRABU (Burundi Repatriated Women Association), countries cannot build lasting peace without protecting the lives and dignity of young people and if they are not significantly involved in issues of peace and security.

The resolution calls on UN member countries to create the necessary social, economic, political, environmental and cultural conditions necessary for survival and dignity, including the protection and respect of its rights, as well as the guarantee of opportunities and choices for its full development.

“The majority of young people do not participate in violence, but young people are treated as potential perpetrators. And their positive contributions to peacebuilding have always been misunderstood. The realities of young people’s lives in conflict and post-conflict situations are not well understood. Young men are seen as abusers and young women as victims. Resolution 2250, which defines youth as people aged 18 to 29, is the first resolution that specifically addresses the role of youth in peace and security issues, and recognizes the positive role that young people can play in conflict and post-conflict situations, “said Barubike.

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